Saturday, September 11, 2010

CTRL+ALT+DEL Task Manager Only Gives CPU Usage - Solution

This simple tip is for computer beginners who sees only a CPU usage graph when opening windows task manager - CTRL+ALT+DEL. Let me explain how this happens. I the past times you've opened windows task manager window that works perfectly. You clicked the small cpu usage bar graph under the performance tab. Now you're really surprised to see it grown to the entire window of the task manager. right? Okey.. then you closed the task manager by pressing ALT+F4. Then you forgot all these things shut down your computer.

By the next time when you try to open the task manager, it will show the Big CPU usage graph instead of the normal window. The problem is a little programming fault of the Windows OS, I think. The task manager remembers it's past GUI state when reopens. So it shoul be avoided to close the task manager even in the ALT+F4 method while in Graph watch.


The solution to this problem is simple to double click anywhere on the graph will returns to normal window. now, you should be able to use the task manager normally.

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yahoo store development said...

Another great post. Thanks for all the great and informative posts. Keep posting similar stuff.

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