One day, I turned on my computer from cold, boots to its normal state. While i am on my work, suddenly a, cluttering unusual mechanical vibration that came out from my PC. I just wondered for a few seconds and quickly turned off the computer. After a while, i switched on it, this time surprisingly no problem.
Yes, sometimes this may be happen to you that there is abnormal sound from PC. Did you know that there is more than 25 motors are included in a pc. CD- ROM, Cooling Fan's, Floppy drive, Hard drives contains mechanical motors for its moving operation. The vibrational noise can be caused by the following devices.
Yes, sometimes this may be happen to you that there is abnormal sound from PC. Did you know that there is more than 25 motors are included in a pc. CD- ROM, Cooling Fan's, Floppy drive, Hard drives contains mechanical motors for its moving operation. The vibrational noise can be caused by the following devices.
- CD/DVD Drive
- Cooling dc Fan
- Floppy drive (FDD)
- Hard drive
The cooling fan may be the problem in most cases. The low noise hum caused by the fans can be fixed easily. In my case I just fixed my problem with a simple job of re-fixing all fans inside the pc cabinet. For this, remove the pc cover and check for the fan screws. Just remove the screws and takes out the fan. Clear the dust that may located on the frame of it using a piece of cloth. Fix the fan back to the position and tight the screws. Do the same for all fan's inside pc until the hum stops.

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